You should totally check out! You can have your own page/site and sell things on there as well. It's 20 cents to list an item, and when you sell something I think it costs like 3%. Neil thinks this is way too much. He keeps saying, "so she'll make like $2.30? 3%? she'll make like $1.50." But I think it is very cool and fun! And you could maybe charge more if you wanted. Let me know if you do it! I am planning to set up a shop on etsy. But i have to make stuff's all coming under way. To bad we don't live in Logan, we could make stuff together! Anyway, I think this is like the longest comment EVER! sorry. i did post a link to your site on my blog. So hopefully people will look at it! :)
You make the cutest cards ever!!! How do you color the edges like you do? I really like it. Neil agrees as well!
You should totally check out! You can have your own page/site and sell things on there as well. It's 20 cents to list an item, and when you sell something I think it costs like 3%. Neil thinks this is way too much. He keeps saying, "so she'll make like $2.30? 3%? she'll make like $1.50." But I think it is very cool and fun! And you could maybe charge more if you wanted. Let me know if you do it! I am planning to set up a shop on etsy. But i have to make stuff's all coming under way. To bad we don't live in Logan, we could make stuff together! Anyway, I think this is like the longest comment EVER! sorry. i did post a link to your site on my blog. So hopefully people will look at it! :)
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